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DIY Cookie kits and party packs

Getting through a long quarantine

Hi! Today marks the first day our state is opening up! Yay! Signs of progress… I hope it can continue. I hope this finds you healthy as well. My family luckily stayed safe and healthy, and that was good new for the bakery. With the mark of the quarantine, I saw an entire month of orders gone, scary! I know so many other small business owners can relate. Since we were all staying at home, what could I do to to provide a little quarantine fun? how about quarantine fun with DIY cookie kits?

Cookie kits shine

I posted on the local Mom’s network in an effort to breathe some life back into my business.  Cookie kits had their day to shine. And the mini packs became a huge hit with all the local Girl Scout troops during virtual meetings as well as virtual birthday parties. The larger cookie kits come with 9 cookies, 3 icing colors and sprinkles. The mini kits come with 4 cookies and 3 cute mini icings and sprinkles. I really had fun with some of the themes! Of course, I did many Easter and spring kits at the beginning of April. But, then my customers got creative with their requests! I did thank you boxes for heath care workers, environmental workers, lots of fun socially distant birthday party boxes, graduation and “moving on” boxes. It really was a lot of fun to create all the fun varieties.
Thank you
I am so grateful for orders, so grateful for the joy it brought to so many, and mostly grateful for giving me a sense of purpose during this difficult time. I want to say thank you for all who supported me and my small business. Thank you to my fans for sharing my links and helping me allow.  I wanted to share some of the fun photos I received from my many happy customers! These brought me joy in an otherwise difficult time!
Here are links to the kits:
Details of mini-kits

Mini kits

DIY cookie decorating kits

Full size cookie kits

Examples of cookies created from The Artful Baker's cookie kits

Look at these cuties! And all these creative ideas

cookie kit collage

My happy customers with their masterpieces!

Cookies decorating using The Artful Baker's cookie kits

Look at that fancy wet on wet technique!

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